El baile nupcial de los novios en una boda en 2011 - Edward Olive Fotografia analogica artistica bodas Madrid España Barcelona Costa del Sol

Via Flickr:
Photographic reportage with high level professional l digital reflex camera(s) (generally Canon 5d mk ii 22 mp), connected to the most technologically advanced lenses (almost all Canon L and generally fixed focal length ultra fast f1.2-f1.4) to obtain natural, creative, artistic photography in any lighting conditions.

The aim is to allow clients to access a different level of photography producing radically different, modern, spontaneous, individual, unique pictures capturing moments and souls from the point of view of a photographer whose ideas of aesthetics and the capture of emotion differ radically from those of the wedding photographers whose pictures we have seen so often in the wedding albums of friends and relatives.
Different photographic styles, concepts and schools of thought are put together instinctively producing an unmistakable style, with the pictures taken, selected and worked on in image post-production personally by the photographer. The photographer’s vision is fused with the people and moments present during the day of the shoot resulting in images which at times show, at times imply… but always shot as reality without posing or contriving.
The majority of pictures produced is generally high contrast black & white, but can also be in creative colors when the photographer sees a combination of colors that come together harmoniously combining with the colors of the time of day in an aesthetically pleasing way within the free artistic vision of the photographer, looking always to produce cinematographic and/or artistic and/or vintage and/or timeless photos.

