Shop dummy - una fotos de 2007 de Edward Olive fotógrafo profesional en Madrid España

Via Flickr:
Equipo de Edward Olive Fotógrafo artista, fotógrafo de boda y retratos
Maquillaje y Estilismo Profesional para novias, bodas, eventos, fiestas, books

File: img702v2edward-olive-weddingphotographer-madrid-fotografodeboda-edwardolivev2copyright

Edward Olive
Take note specifically that the fact that images which are intellectual property and copyright owned by Edward Olive, photographer are used by Edward Olive, photographer in his website(s) and/or social networks and/or marketing and/or advertising and/or other media are indexed by Google Images does not authorise third parties to use these images for personal and/or professional use. Google Images is not a free image bank.
